Donating After Loss

Donating After the Loss of Your Baby

The birth of your baby stimulates hormones that tell your body to make milk. For many mothers, producing milk is an especially painful reminder of all they grieve for. Some mothers, however, find it therapeutic to donate their milk in honor of the baby they have lost, knowing that it will help other babies in need. We are especially grateful for this special group of donors—it is our immense honor to be a part of your journey.

“Giving my milk to help babies born too soon was healing for me. It didn’t bring back my precious baby and it didn’t erase my pain but it helped me to have a purpose. I gave milk in honor of my beautiful girl who wouldn’t need it, so it was a gift from the two of us to those who would live because of it.” – Michelle, Bereaved Mother

Steps to Donate

If you are considering donating your milk after the loss of your baby, you may contact us to discuss the different options:


Donate the milk to be used by babies in need

  1. Do a verbal screening over the phone with a Mothers’ Milk Bank staff member (takes about 10 minutes)
  2. Fill out a Medical History Form online
  3. Sign a Donor Consent Form
  4. Sign a Provider Form, which staff will then fax to your health care provider to be signed
  5. Undergo a blood test (the Mothers’ Milk Bank covers the cost of blood testing)


Donate the milk for research

Only involves signing a Donor Consent Form


Mothers’ Milk Bank can take milk that has been frozen up to 8 months, so please take the time you need before undergoing the screening process. If you would like to discuss options for donating, please give us a call at 303-869-1888.


Honoring Bereaved Mothers

The Perpetual Grace Memorial Grove honors bereaved mothers who chose to donate their milk after the loss of their child. Our aspen grove memorial displays their baby’s name and birth date, and a matching leaf is sent to the family.